Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I chose this name because my island is based around peacefulness and relaxation.

This was an assignment to create a Utopian island in my GEMS class.

What is Perfect????

          Perfect is a place where everyone is happy and content with the way that they are living.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Motto, Seal, Flag

MOTTO- None of the abstract concepts comes closer to utopia than eternal peace.

SEAL- This dove represents the peace and hope that everyone believs in.

Monday, February 25, 2013

The Veldt

Theme- Don't let yourself get carried away.
              The nursery allows the children to get carried away.  Once they enter the room they could imagine anything and it would just come true.  They begin to rely on the room for entertainment.  They spend all of their time in the nursery.

Quote- "Matter of fact, we're thinking of turning the whole house off for about a month.  Live a sort of carefree one-for-all existence." 
               By turning the house off they parents could prevent their children from getting carried away in the nursery.  The children could go into the nursery but nothing would happen.  Once the children found out that the house was being turned off they locked their parents in the nursery.  Due to a lion on the veldt their parents were killed and eaten.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Architecture and Growth

                The Isle of Gaia is located just off the coast of Greece and Italy.  The island is not very isolated from Europe but, we are very self-sufficient.  When established we decided to watch are carbon footprint.  We have distributed many wind turbines across the beautiful landscape.  We are also thinking about creating some kind of solar panel system that will harness the power of the sun. 
                As for an army, we have set up watch tower on every beach so that we could not be snuck up on.  These watch towers are heavily armed and have highly trained soldiers in them.

                                                                  Most of our houses and other building have a very modern look to them.


                On the Isle of Gaia there is one ruler who watches over the entire island.  This ruler must be completely fair and cannot show the signs of being a dictator.  If the ruler breaks any of these rules he/she will be removed from office by a group of people.  This group of people called "The Group" is elected to office every five years. 
                As for the consequences for breaking the law, they might seem a bit harsh.  For first offenders they are sent to jail for the severity  of their crime.  For second time offenders the same thing is done but this time a bit longer.  For third time offenders they are either executed or sentenced to life in prison. 
                Sentences are given by the elected official that has proven that he/she knows absolute everything about the law.  "The Group" decides whether the offender is guilty or innocent.


          Family grouping is fairly simple.  Family groups are limited to 4 children, so that overpopulation will not occur.  Only responsible adults will be allowed to have children.  Only married couples can have children.
         One can choose their own religion, very similar to what we do today.  Any person's religion will be accepted in the community.  There will be no discrimination.
          Three languages will be spoken here.  English, Spanish, and French are those three.  Everyone will eventually learn all three.